Lucknow Public College Of Professional Studies-LPCPS, Goal4All, and Zee UP UK organized a lecture on the topic "Holistic Approach: Need of Modern Education System" on 18th Feb. 2023, in which Chief Guest Hon'ble Mr. #Justice_Dinesh_Maheshwari, Judge, Supreme Court of India, delivered his keynote address, highlighting the importance of human values. On this occasion, Mrs. #Suman_Maheshwari, Hon'ble #Justice_Shabihul_Hasnain_Shastri, Chairman- Drugs & Narcotics Board, Punjab, Directors of Lucknow Public Schools and Colleges- #Neha_Singh #Garima_Singh #Harshit_Singh #Shikharpal_Singh, Deputy Director #Meena_Tangri Zee UP/UK officials, LPCPS Dean Prof. #LS_Awasthi, faculties, and students were present.